Editing a Container

A container's name, description, type, and quarantine status may be edited at the Manage Containers page. When a container's changes are saved to the system, an Update Container transaction is posted to the history log. To edit the container, please refer to the steps that follow.

  1. Select Manage > Containers to open the Manage Containers page. The Manage Containers page appears.
  2. To edit an existing container, first select it from the Select Container portion of the page. The selected container's information populates the page.
  3. To edit this container's information, select the container's Edit icon in the bottom right area of the page.
    1. The page is placed into Edit mode and the selected container's information may be changed.
    2. The Container Header portion of the page is activated, the Add Asset/Item to Container portion of the page is activated, and the grid portion of the page is activated.
  4. Name: to change the container's name, enter the name change in the Name field.
  5. Description: to change the container's description, enter the description change in the Description field.
  6. Site-Location:the site-location cannot be changed from here. In order to change the site-physical location of the container, you must perform a container move; see "Container Move Page" for more information.
  7. Container Type: to change the container type for this container, click the drop-down arrow in the Container Type field and select another container type from the list that appears.
  8. Length: enter the length in this field and select a measurement unit for it.
    1. cm: centimeter/centimeters
    2. ft: foot/feet
    3. in: inch/inches
    4. m: meter/meters
  9. Width: enter the width in this field and select a measurement unit for it.
    1. cm: centimeter/centimeters
    2. ft: foot/feet
    3. in: inch/inches
    4. m: meter/meters
  10. Height: enter the height in this field and select a measurement unit for it.
    1. cm: centimeter/centimeters
    2. ft: foot/feet
    3. in: inch/inches
    4. m: meter/meters
  11. Weight: enter the weight in this field and select a measurement unit for it.
    1. g: gram/grams
    2. kg: kilogram/kilograms
    3. lb: pound/pounds
    4. oz: ounce/ounces
  12. Quarantined checkbox:
    1. when marked, this container is quarantined. When a container is quarantined, a container is removed from active status and no inventory operations can be performed with it (add, adjust, move, issue/pick, receive/return).
    2. when unmarked, this container is placed back into active status and you are able to perform inventory operations with this container (add, adjust, move, issue/pick, receive/return).
  13. To remove an item or asset from the container, select the Delete icon to the right of the item/asset in the grid. A dialog appears, notifying you that you must move the item/asset out of this container and into a physical location. When an asset is removed from a container, an Asset Move From Container transaction is posted to the history log. When an item is removed from a container, a Move From Container transaction is posted to the history log. For more information see "Removing an Asset or Item from a Container" for more information.
  14. A new item or a new asset may be added to the container; see "Adding an Asset or an Item to a Container" for more information.
  15. To save the changes to this container, select the Save icon.
  16. To discard changes, select the Cancel icon.